
January 30, 2020

31 logements Danube STRASBOURG by PETITDIDIERPRIOUX architectes

The impetus for the Danube eco-district in Strasbourg grows out of the desire to take back the urban banks of the Rhone-Rhine Canal and the city’s river harbor basins.
January 27, 2020

Urban Infill Lofts Project by CHYBIK + KRISTOF Architects and Urban Designers

The newly designed Urban Infill Lofts commence the revitalization of Brno’s post-industrial district.
January 9, 2020

Fondation-s by Lobjoy-Bouvier-Boisseau Architecture

Lobjoy-Bouvier-Boisseau Architecture redesigns a mixed-use building to house the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson and the Fondation François Sommer in the heart of the Marais.
October 15, 2019

LE NANT’ILE, mixed-use project in the heart of Nantes by Leibar & Seigneurin

Organized according to a duo of materials and architectural styles, Le Nant’ile reflects the project’s two main program families, i.e., offices and apartments.