‘HQ Cordeel’ was elected as laureate in the category A: Non-residential Building.’
Infosteel announced the laureates of the Steel Construction Competition 2020 on Monday, February 22.
We are proud to announce that BINST ARCHITECTS & CORDEEL have been awarded the trophy of the Steel Construction Competition 2020 in the category ‘A: Non-residential Construction’ with the project ‘HQ Cordeel, Temse’.
The Steel Construction Competition is organized annually in turn in Belgium and Luxembourg and was in its 21st edition. Participation in the Steel Construction Competition 2020 was open to construction projects on Belgian soil that were realized entirely or partially in steel between June 2018 and the end of May 2020.
There were 66 projects participating in this edition. The jury met on January 12, 2021 at the renovated Quartier Papier paper mill in Zaventem and awarded 4 projects in the categories:
– Non-residential : HQ Cordeel, Temse
– Residential : CART, Ham
– Specific elements in steel : A Giant Sculpture, Kasterlee
– Industrial Buildings : Parkings IMEC/KUL, Leuven
The jury consisted of : Sébastien Seret, Greisch; Eddy Hermans, Stabilogics; Nicolas Raemakers, OSK-AR Architects; Ka Man Hün, BASF; Dominique Pieters, Planopli; Patrick Maes, Smulders; Robin van Beveren, Basil Architecture.
Binst Architects thanks its partners Cordeel / Ney & Partners who made this great result possible and also wishes the other laureates congratulations with their awarded projects!
Technical Sheet:
Opdrachtgever(s): Cordeel zetel Temse nv
Bouwplaats: Temse
Projectarchitect: Nick Verbeeck, Evi van Schooneveld
Architectenteam: Andreas Porreye
Interieurteam: Wim Heyninck, Kenn van Overveld
Hoofdaannemer: Cordeel zetel Temse nv
Jaar: 2014-2019
Fotografie: BINST ARCHITECTS, Bart Gosselin, Cafeine, Limeparts-Drooghmans en Studio PSG, Tim Fisher
Press: Infosteel – Bouwen aan Vlaanderen – De Standaard – Bouwkroniek – De Architect – Architectenweb – Designverse – Gooood – Archello
Awards: Staalbouwwedstrijd 2020