Psychiatric Centre Friedrichshafen – new construction of a clinic for psychiatry and psychosomatics

TO TSAI TEA ROOM by George Batzios Architects
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Transforming Location – Start of Construction for the High-Tech-City, Changchun, CN
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DEU, Berlin, 07/2011, Psychiatrie, Friedrichshafen, Architekt: Huber Staudt, Bildtechnik: KB-Digital

Psychiatric Centre Friedrichshafen – new construction of a clinic for psychiatry and psychosomatics

The new psychiatric centre with 1 to 3 storeys fitted into the existing slope takes up the orthogonal structure of the hospital Friedrichshafen, thereby turning into an element within the „campus“ structure.
The building encloses a generously dimensioned green courtyard, that follows the natural slope of the hill and forms toward the west a window to the landscape and to Lake Constance.

This project was a winner in the European Architecture Awards 2017 in the category Healthcare.

address: Röntgenstraße 8, 88048 Friedrichshafen, Germany
time frame: 2008 – 2011
usable area: 3.274 m²
gross area: 5.555 m²
costs: 11.4 Mio EUR
beds: 76
client: Südwürttembergische Zentren für Psychiatrie, Ravensburg
architecture: huber staudt architekten bda
architecture: Stefan Bernhard Landschaftsarchitekten with Philipp Sattler, Berlin
project-team: Julian Arons, Magdalena Falska, António Henriques,
Christian Huber, Leander Moons, Jördis Petzold,
Joachim Staudt, Sofia Theodorou
photographer: Werner Huthmacher
copyright by: huber staudt architekten bda

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