
February 21, 2020

Bottière Chénaie in Nantes by KAAN architecten

Bottière Chénaie in Nantes a compact mixed-use building with a domestic vibe
October 15, 2019

LE NANT’ILE, mixed-use project in the heart of Nantes by Leibar & Seigneurin

Organized according to a duo of materials and architectural styles, Le Nant’ile reflects the project’s two main program families, i.e., offices and apartments.
May 18, 2018

The 360° View Tower, Nantes, France | LAN Architecture

LAN architecture office has just delivered the 360° View Tower, a panoramic 18-story tower in Nantes, France. This new housing building is located on the Brossette site, which completes the transformation of the Boulevard Vincent-Gâche, with the largest project ever built on the Île de Nantes. This 1,5 hectare lot facing the Loire River will soon be home to a total of six new buildings, with mixed-use programs.